
Tourist Guide

Get introduced to the most important attractions, shows, restaurants, places of entertainment and another activities that you can do close to the hotel.

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Polyforum Siqueiros

Polyforum Siqueiros: David Alfaro Siqueiros, besides of being one of the most important painters of the XX century in México and in the whole world, he declared himself a communist and started to militate for all the working class and the social causes, fact that took him to jail a few times and even self exiled for two times.

In 1965, Siqueiros made the biggest mural in the whole world, this mural has a total of 8,700 square meters, space in which he started to made perspective tricks that would visually break the edges of architecture. The Polyforum synthetizes an existence of searches and findings fueled by the desire to call the human to establish freedom, wellbeing and justice in the earth through art. 

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World Trade Center Ciudad de México

México City’s World Trade Center: The World Trade Center of México City (known a few years ago as “México´s Hotel”), is an skyscraper located at Colonia Nápoles in México City, opened its doors, with the tower serving as an office building and being of the most modern skyscraper in Latin America, as well as a new convention and exhibition center.

At the top of the building, in the round part of the main building, exists a restaurant, which is the most famous and distinctive part of the building. Also, exists a private club which main feature is a 360º view through the giant windows of the streets of México City.  

The Conventions and Exhibitions Center receives on average 2.5 millions of people in a year in more than 80 exhibitions, to realize conferences, expositions, work meetings and another kind of events of social kind, the Mexica Room is the biggest and the indicated one, with 4,020 square meters inside the tower.

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Colonia Condesa

Condesa Neighborhood: This zone is composed by 3 Neighborhoods:

  1. Condesa Neighborhood
  2. Hipódromo Neighborhood
  3. Hipódromo Condesa Neighborhood

Zone which is very popular because of the variety of Coffee Shop´s, libraries, restaurants, galleries and boutiques, as well as for its cultural and nightlife.

The Condesa, share its borders and bohemian spirit with Roma´s Neighborhood, and together are better known as “Roma’s and Condesa’s Cultural Corridor”. One of the actual principal characteristics of Condesa is the youth of his settlers which gives it a cosmopolitan air, representing a lifestyle because of the gastronomic and nightlife, casual lifestyle, where the retro bicycles and the company of lots of pet dogs dot’s their streets with alternative look.

Likewise, sometimes it´s surrounded by shootings of movies, commercials or T.V shows on the street.

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Colonia Roma

Roma’s Neighborhood (Colonia Roma): The Roma’s Neighborhood denomination is used to designate what it really comprises, two large Neighborhoods: Roma Norte (the original one) and Roma Sur which it was created to serve as a border with Escandón, Hipódromo and Condesa’s Neighborhoods: with this last one shares similarities and characteristics, both composes the already mentioned before “ Roma’s and Condesa’s Cultural Corridor”, with the demands of modernity that each one demands.

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Pepsi Center

Pepsi Center: Aside the WTC, it’s a multifunctional construction which can host both types of concert, auditory one and arena one, also it can give the functionality to serve conferences, expositions or sports events.

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Grounds: If you’re thinking in a recreation time or to realize some activities with fresh air, Hundido’s Ground, Mexico’s Ground, España’s Ground, Morelos Ground, Miraflores Ground, Cholula’s Ground, De Las Arboledas Ground, Las Americas Ground, can give you the space that you’re looking for.

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Filadelfia Suites


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